The Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez

Kurt von Behrmann
4 min readJan 22, 2020


NETFLIX True Crime Series

A journey that raises questions, but not always clear cut answers.

If you like true crime, this documentary has it all.

Rating: This is Must see television.

Aaron Hernandez is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. The high-profile story of a successful N.F.L. player embroiled in not one, but two, murder cases captured the attention of the media and the imagination of the public. It is the arc of his short life that becomes the core of Netflix true crime three-part series, “The Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez.”

Where this documentary succeeds is in revealing the details of Hernandez’ life that were missed in the initial coverage. Much of this is reveled in interviews with those that knew him, and the conversations that took place during his incarceration.

In an almost Dickensian plot line of horrific beginnings that lead to rich endings, Hernandez’ early life was filled with abuse that may have played a significant role in his later life.

A stern task master father who lived vicariously through his son’s athletic prowess, Dennis Hernandez, was a stabilizing influence on his son. He was also abuse, and capable of venting his anger and frustrations on his entire family. No one was spared his wrath, including his wife, Terri Valentine-Hernandez. She divorced him and then remarried him again.

Following what was supposed to be a routine hernia operation, Dennis passed away at age 49. With this passage ended anyone able to hold back the drug abuse and violence that would be omni present in Aaron’s mercurial life.

Aaron Hernandez, the man who had it all, and lost it all. The ultimate Greek Tragedy

One, amongst many, of the bombshells dropped that comes to light is Aaron’s relationship with Dennis SanSoucie. SanSouice, who is now openly gay, admits to an off and on-again sexual relationship with Hernandez that occurred during their high school years. For a plethora of reasons, including future career damage and family rejection, both remained deeply closeted.

In a prophetic scene of what was to come, Hernandez’ temper reached a boiling point while still at The University of Florida. In a popular drinking establishment, Hernandez questioned the bill and became belligerent concerning the bar tab. In an attempt to deescalate the situation, Tim Tebo intervened to deescalate the situation.

Hernandez became so enraged he hit the bar owner so badly it caused him ear damage. In an interesting move, the bar owner declined to press charges. There is a tacit understanding between businesses and the University that matters like these are handled away from the Courts and public scrutiny.

Things took a macabre turn in 2013. Hernandez was charged for the murder of Odin Lloyd, a semi-professional player who was dating the sister of his fiancée. Aaron was found guilty of first-degree murder in 2015. A second case, the 2012 double homicide of Daniel de Abrue and Safiro Furtado, ended with Hernandez being acquitted in 2017.

Days following the acquittal, Hernandez was found dead in his jail cell. His death was ruled a suicide. He was 27 years old.

The mysteries of Hernandez life became even more layered after an autopsy revealed an interesting fact. He was posthumously diagnosed with severe chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). It was said to be the most extreme case ever diagnosed in someone this young.

Symptoms of this illness include changes in personality, erratic behavior, aggression, depression and impulsivity. Causes for this brain damage can be traced to repeated head traumas in contact sports such as, well football.

This documentary makes a valiant attempt at making sense of the conundrum that was Aaron Hernandez life by presenting what is known. Unfortunately, the inscrutable details of his life make it difficult for any film to offer up much more than speculation and interpretation. Keeping in tune with the tone of so many documentaries this one does not provide either easy answers or point to directions in how to make sense of the unintelligible. The way the information is presented is as unbiased as possible.

Reenactments, often the weak point of so many crime dramas, are kept to a very discreet minimum. There is a real sense of storytelling here, and filmmakers have wisely let the story tell it self with as little interference as possible. In a story this inherently dramatic, the low-key tone allows the narrative to be the star. The unobtrusive editing keeps you enthralled.

In a story this intense and filed with so many questions, the film leaves you seeing this case as one part cautionary tale and one part tragedy that felt almost inevitable and unavoidable when you see how this tale begins. Hernandez was a gifted athlete early. Everyone saw the potential. No one saw the inner demons that tormented him that would lead to such a destructive end.

The mystery of Aaron Hernandez is a compelling, tragic, sad baffling and haunting one of potential wasted and lives lost

We will no doubt never know the real Aaron Hernandez, and that is what makes him such an intriguing, compelling and tragic enigma. In the end his life became a classic Greek Tragedy.

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